April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a time dedicated to increasing awareness and education about sexual violence and promoting prevention efforts. At this time, it is important to reflect on the ways in which we can work towards creating a safe and supportive environment for all individuals.

At our Institute, we have a Sexual Violence Policy that is included in both our Student and Employee Handbooks. This policy outlines our commitment to preventing and responding to sexual violence, and includes important information about consent, reporting procedures, and available resources.

Education on consent is a critical component of our policy. It is essential that all members of our community understand what consent means and how to obtain it. Consent is a voluntary, affirmative, and enthusiastic agreement to engage in sexual activity. It requires clear communication and mutual understanding between all parties involved.

In addition to our policy, we are using our social media channels to raise awareness about SAAM and provide resources for those who may be impacted by sexual violence. We believe it is important to use our platform to amplify the voices of survivors, share information about prevention efforts, and promote a culture of consent and respect.

Our link in bio includes a variety of resources for survivors provided by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. We want all members of our community to know that they are not alone and that help is available.

We also encourage all members of our community to take an active role in preventing sexual violence. This includes learning about consent, supporting survivors, and intervening if you witness or suspect harassment or abuse. By working together, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for all individuals.

SAAM serves as an important reminder of the ongoing work we must do to address sexual violence and promote a culture of consent and respect. We are committed to this work and encourage all members of our community to join us in creating a safer and more inclusive environment.

Naomi Brien